Introduction to regression


Brian Caffo, Jeff Leek and Roger Peng
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A famous motivating example

Recent simply statistics post

(Simply Statistics is a blog by Jeff Leek, Roger Peng and Rafael Irizarry, who wrote this post, link on the image)

  • "Data supports claim that if Kobe stops ball hogging the Lakers will win more"
  • "Linear regression suggests that an increase of 1% in % of shots taken by Kobe results in a drop of 1.16 points (+/- 0.22) in score differential."
  • How was it done? Do you agree with the analysis?

Questions for this class

  • Consider trying to answer the following kinds of questions:
    • To use the parents' heights to predict childrens' heights.
    • To try to find a parsimonious, easily described mean relationship between parent and children's heights.
    • To investigate the variation in childrens' heights that appears unrelated to parents' heights (residual variation).
    • To quantify what impact genotype information has beyond parental height in explaining child height.
    • To figure out how/whether and what assumptions are needed to generalize findings beyond the data in question.
    • Why do children of very tall parents tend to be tall, but a little shorter than their parents and why children of very short parents tend to be short, but a little taller than their parents? (This is a famous question called 'Regression to the mean'.)

Galton's Data

  • Let's look at the data first, used by Francis Galton in 1885.
  • Galton was a statistician who invented the term and concepts of regression and correlation, founded the journal Biometrika, and was the cousin of Charles Darwin.
  • You may need to run install.packages("UsingR") if the UsingR library is not installed.
  • Let's look at the marginal (parents disregarding children and children disregarding parents) distributions first.
    • Parent distribution is all heterosexual couples.
    • Correction for gender via multiplying female heights by 1.08.
    • Overplotting is an issue from discretization.
library(UsingR); data(galton); library(reshape); long <- melt(galton)
g <- ggplot(long, aes(x = value, fill = variable)) 
g <- g + geom_histogram(colour = "black", binwidth=1) 
g <- g + facet_grid(. ~ variable)
plot of chunk galton

Finding the middle via least squares

  • Consider only the children's heights.
    • How could one describe the "middle"?
    • One definition, let \(Y_i\) be the height of child \(i\) for \(i = 1, \ldots, n = 928\), then define the middle as the value of \(\mu\) that minimizes \[\sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i - \mu)^2\]
  • This is physical center of mass of the histrogram.
  • You might have guessed that the answer \(\mu = \bar Y\).


Use R studio's manipulate to see what value of \(\mu\) minimizes the sum of the squared deviations.

myHist <- function(mu){
    mse <- mean((galton$child - mu)^2)
    g <- ggplot(galton, aes(x = child)) + geom_histogram(fill = "salmon", colour = "black", binwidth=1)
    g <- g + geom_vline(xintercept = mu, size = 3)
    g <- g + ggtitle(paste("mu = ", mu, ", MSE = ", round(mse, 2), sep = ""))
manipulate(myHist(mu), mu = slider(62, 74, step = 0.5))

The least squares est. is the empirical mean

g <- ggplot(galton, aes(x = child)) + geom_histogram(fill = "salmon", colour = "black", binwidth=1)
g <- g + geom_vline(xintercept = mean(galton$child), size = 3)
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

The math (not required for the class) follows as:

\[ \begin{align} \sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i - \mu)^2 & = \ \sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i - \bar Y + \bar Y - \mu)^2 \\ & = \sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i - \bar Y)^2 + \ 2 \sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i - \bar Y) (\bar Y - \mu) +\ \sum_{i=1}^n (\bar Y - \mu)^2 \\ & = \sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i - \bar Y)^2 + \ 2 (\bar Y - \mu) \sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i - \bar Y) +\ \sum_{i=1}^n (\bar Y - \mu)^2 \\ & = \sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i - \bar Y)^2 + \ 2 (\bar Y - \mu) (\sum_{i=1}^n Y_i - n \bar Y) +\ \sum_{i=1}^n (\bar Y - \mu)^2 \\ & = \sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i - \bar Y)^2 + \sum_{i=1}^n (\bar Y - \mu)^2\\ & \geq \sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i - \bar Y)^2 \ \end{align} \]

Comparing childrens' heights and their parents' heights

ggplot(galton, aes(x = parent, y = child)) + geom_point()
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

Size of point represents number of points at that (X, Y) combination (See the Rmd file for the code).

plot of chunk freqGalton

Regression through the origin

  • Suppose that \(X_i\) are the parents' heights.
  • Consider picking the slope \(\beta\) that minimizes \[\sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i - X_i \beta)^2\]
  • This is exactly using the origin as a pivot point picking the line that minimizes the sum of the squared vertical distances of the points to the line
  • Use R studio's manipulate function to experiment
  • Subtract the means so that the origin is the mean of the parent and children's heights
y <- galton$child - mean(galton$child)
x <- galton$parent - mean(galton$parent)
freqData <-, y))
names(freqData) <- c("child", "parent", "freq")
freqData$child <- as.numeric(as.character(freqData$child))
freqData$parent <- as.numeric(as.character(freqData$parent))
myPlot <- function(beta){
    g <- ggplot(filter(freqData, freq > 0), aes(x = parent, y = child))
    g <- g  + scale_size(range = c(2, 20), guide = "none" )
    g <- g + geom_point(colour="grey50", aes(size = freq+20, show_guide = FALSE))
    g <- g + geom_point(aes(colour=freq, size = freq))
    g <- g + scale_colour_gradient(low = "lightblue", high="white")                     
    g <- g + geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = beta, size = 3)
    mse <- mean( (y - beta * x) ^2 )
    g <- g + ggtitle(paste("beta = ", beta, "mse = ", round(mse, 3)))
manipulate(myPlot(beta), beta = slider(0.6, 1.2, step = 0.02))

The solution

In the next few lectures we'll talk about why this is the solution

lm(I(child - mean(child))~ I(parent - mean(parent)) - 1, data = galton)

lm(formula = I(child - mean(child)) ~ I(parent - mean(parent)) - 
    1, data = galton)

I(parent - mean(parent))  
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5