Brian S Caffo

Departments of Biostatistics Johns Hopkins University (primary),
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University (courtesy), CV repo, CV hosted version

Part I


Brian Caffo, PhD is a professor in the Department of Biostatistics with a secondary appointment in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. He graduated from the University of Florida Department of Statistics in 2001. He has worked in statistical computing, statistical modeling, computational statistics, multivariate and decomposition methods and statistics in neuroimaging and neuroscience. He led teams that won the ADHD 200 prediction competition. He co-directs the SMART statistical group. With other faculty at JHU, he created and co-directs the Coursera Data Science Specialization, a 10 course specialization on statistical data analysis. He co-directs the JHU Data Science Lab, a group dedicated to open educational innovation and data science. He is the former director of the Biostatistics graduate programs and admissions committees. He is currently the co-director of the Johns Hopkins High Performance Computing Exchange super computing service center and past-president of the Bloomberg School of Public Health faculty senate.

Education and training

Year Description Institution
2006 K25 training grant NIH A mentored training program in imaging science
2001 PhD in statistics U of Florida Candidate sampling schemes and some important applications
1998 MS in statistics U of Florida
1995 Dual BS in mathematics and statistics U of Florida

Professional experience

Relevant professional experience.

Profesional activities

Year Activity
2005-2006 Publications Officer for the Biometrics Section of the American Statistical Association
2010 Founding member Stat in Imaging ASA Section
2010-2011 Secretary Stat in Imaging ASA Section

Editorial activities

Year Activity
2006-2008 Associate editor Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
2008-2010 Associate editor for the Journal of the American Statistical Association
2009-2012 Associate editor for the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B
2010-2012 Associate editor for Biometrics
2011-2011 Senior program committee member for the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
2016-2016 Guest associate editor for Frontiers in Neuroscience special issues on Brain Imaging Methods
2021-2021 Guest associate editor for Frontiers special issue in Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Finance

Here are my NIH study sections. I do not include internal, NSF or EU study sections, of which I’ve done a small number.

Study section Title Date
0 NIGMS Sure-First 3/25/2024
1 DNDA ANIE 10/26/2023
2 ZDA Workshops on Computational and Analytical Res... 1/30/2023
3 ZEY NEI Clinical Applications 7/15/2022
4 ZEY Large Scale Epidemiology and Secondary Data A... 10/20/2021
5 ZRG1 Healthcare Delivery and Methodologies 6/27/2018
6 ZNS1 NeuroNEXT2 3/23/2018
7 NPAS Neural Basis of Psychopathology Addictions an... 10/19/2017
8 ZMH1 Interventions/Biomarkers Special Emphasis Panel 2/3/2017
9 ZMH1 Research Education Programs (R25) 10/13/2016
10 ZMH1 Interventions/Biomarkers 7/8/2016
11 ZRG1 BD2K Open Educational Resources and Courses f... 6/26/2015
12 ZRG1 Modeling of Social Behavior 1/29/2015
13 ZMH1 ITVC Conflicts 8/16/2013
14 DBD Developmental Brain Disorders Study Section 6/27/2012
15 ZRG1 Member Conflict: Epidemiology 9/7/2011
16 ITVA Interventions Committee for Adult Disorders 10/12/2010
17 ITVA Interventions Committee for Adult Disorders 2/09/2010
18 BMRD Biostatistical Methods and Research Design St... 02/13/2009
19 ZRG1 Quick Trials on Imaging and Image-guided Inte... 10/31/2008

Honors and awards

Year Award
1998 William S. Mendenhall Award
1999 Anderson Scholar/Faculty nominee for the University of Florida CLAS
2001 University of Florida CLAS Dissertation Fellowship
2001 University of Florida Statistics Faculty Award
2002 Johns Hopkins Faculty Innovation Award
2006 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health AMTRA award
2008 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Golden Apple teaching award
2011 Leader and organizer of the declared winning entry of the 2011 ADHD200 prediction competition
2011 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE, 2010, awarded in 2011); The highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers
2014 Named a Fellow of the American Statistical Association
2015 Special Invited Lecturer, European Meeting of Statisticians
2022 Adrienne Cupples award; This annual award recognizes a biostatistician whose academic achievements reflect the contributions to teaching, research, and service exemplified by Professor L. Adrienne Cupples
2024 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health AMTRA award


Publications reported in Scopus as of 1/15/2024. My total number of Scopus publications is 257. Below is a plot of total publications by year where each small rectangle is a publication.

Here are journals I publish in the most.

I have published with 793 coauthors (according to Scopus). Here is authors that I have had 7 or over manuscripts with.

Here’s a plot of number of authors for each manuscript by my position.

Here’s the total citation counts of manuscripts plotted by year of publication.

Part II



To the nearest year from matriculation year. Includes advisees and co-advisees in formal degree programs or postdoctoral fellowships.

Student exam participation

Excludes alternate.

Classroom Instruction

To the nearest year. Data Science and EDS specializations were with Roger Peng and Jeff Leek. Data Science Hackathon was with Leah Jager, Jeff Leek, Roger Peng. Guest lectures not included.


E-books are free and open access, excepting Methods in Biostatistics with R. For all books, student get all subsequent version updates.

  • Statistical Inference, Leanpub
  • Regression Models, Leanpub
  • Developing Data Products, Leanpub
  • Advanced Linear Models for Data Science, Leabpub,
  • Methods in Biostatistics with R, Leanpub, with John Muschelli, Ciprian Crainiceanu
  • Executive Data Science, Leanpub, with Roger Peng, Jeff Leek
  • PI (roll of executive producer, non-instructor) for the BD2K R25 Genomic Data Science Specialization, fMRI 1 and 2 (Lindquist / Wager), Neurohacking in R (Craininceanu, Sweeney, Muschelli), Neuroscience for Neuroimaging (Baker)
  • swirl: Mentored project by Nick Carchedi intiated during his internship
  • Course notes for Biostatistics 140.651-2 listed on the Johns Hopkins Open Courseware project
  • YouTube channel (all educational content) - 14k subscribers, over 400 videos, 6.4k views in past 28 days, ~300 hours of total watch time in the last 28 days

Research grants

Role Start Finish Organization Mechanism Title Number
0 PI 2002-01-01 2004-01-01 JHBSPH Faculty Innovation Award Monte Carlo and Markov chain Monte Carlo Algor... 0
1 PI 2006-05-01 2009-04-30 NIH NIBIB K25 EB003491 A mentored training program in imaging science 1
2 PI 2010-09-30 2014-08-31 NIH NIBIB R01 EB012547 Statistical methods for hierarchical large n l... 2
3 Sub PI 2011-09-01 2016-08-31 NIH NIBIB P41 EB015909 Resource for quantitative functional MRI, TRD ... 3
4 PI 2012-03-14 2014-03-14 Amazon AWS Cloud research grant Cloud-Based Development of Neuroimaging Software 4
5 CoPI 2012-08-27 2014-08-26 JHU BSI NaN The Center for Quantitative Neuroscience: a co... 5
6 PI 2014-12-01 2017-11-30 NIH R25 EB020378 Big Data Education for the Masses: MOOCs, Modu... 6
7 PI 2019-08-16 2020-08-16 NVIDIA Hardware grant GPU Accelerated Statistical Inference 7
8 PI 2021-05-07 2025-03-21 NIH NIBIB R01 EB029977 Statistical methods for structural and functio... 8
9 Sub PI 2021-07-01 2026-04-30 NIH NIBIB P41 EB031771 MRI Resource for Physiologic, Metabolic and An... 9

Co-investigator and subcontract awards

This is surprisingly hard and likely incomplete. Here’s the best I could do for title and mechanism.


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Here’s my most frequent grant PIs.

Here’s a breakdown of grant mechanisms.